Visual Artist, Visual/Production Director
Growing up in the internationally diverse environment in Tokyo and visiting overseas, Sáyo developed a unique art style which weaves her core Japanese identity and her international creativity freely and organically. She is one and only visual artist who produces artworks with pure love, which is highly regarded by her fans and art collectors around the world.
Sáyo has also been creating brand identities and producing visuals for many well-known international companies. She has worked on many exciting projects in the UK, France, America and Japan, she has been the key individual to make things happen and her clients trust her instinct, creativity and direction 100%.
Born in Tokyo. Sáyo had a pencil and paper with her all the time at age 2, she was fascinated by drawing pictures.
She studied art, crafts and Japanese calligraphy since an early age and she was awarded in many competitions.
Her family introduced Sáyo to the world of Kimono and other wonderful Japanese traditions, as well as meeting inspirational people around the world.
Influenced by her unique upbringing, she travelled to the UK age 14 to test herself to become an artist. After entering the short art course, she felt she was destined to study in the UK.
Sáyo officially moved to London at age 17 to study art.
Studied at Spatial Design course in Central Saint Martin's, UAL, and after that, studied and graduated at St. Martin's BA Graphic Design / Illustration course.
Since graduating, she has worked for several international companies such as Yohji Yamamoto and adidas, working on their PR and brand marketing. After becoming a freelancer, she has been working as a visual director worldwide. During all this time in her career, Sáyo never lost her passion for pure art. She keeps producing her artworks with love.
BA Graphic designg /Illustration, Central Saint Martins - University of Arts London
【Awards & Exhibitions】
・2023/2024:A few exciting plans for exhibitions in
・2022:Art Plympia 2022 in Kiunkaku, Atami, Japan - nominated and selected for a prize.
・Central Saint Martin's group exhibition, London
・'What is Love?' group art exhibition, London
・2000:Ise Grand Shrine 2000 years anniversary calligraphy competition - selected for the special award
<PR/Brand Marketing/Coordinator> Yohei Yamamoto, adidas, Y-3, CHANEL, Aries, P.A.M.
<Visual Director> KARHU, Morgan, OYAIDE, KATHARINE HAMNETT, Joe’s Jeans
<Project Management> Onitsuka Tiger
<PR Planning/Consulting> KATHARINE HAMNETT, Veda tokyo
<Casting> SHISEIDO
卒業後はYohji YamamotoやadidasなどグローバルブランドにてPRとブランドマーケティングの経験を積み、の後にヴィジュアル/制作/ブランディングディレクターとして独立。その間もアーティストとしての気持ちを忘れずに制作を続けてきました。
グラフィックデザイン/イラストレーション ,セントラルセイントマーチンズ校, ロンドン芸術大学
・2022:アートオリンピア <入選> in 起雲閣
・グループ展 ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セイント・マーチンズ校 in ロンドン
・グループ展 "What is love?" in ロンドン
・2000:伊勢神宮宮内ご鎮座2000年奉祝記念奉納ジュニア伊勢の書展 <特選> in 伊勢神宮
<プレス/PR/ブランドーケティング/コーディネーター> ヨウジヤマモト, アディダス, Y-3, シャネル, アリーズ,
<ヴィジュル制作プロデュサー/ディレクター> カルフ, モルガン, キャサリンハムネット, ジョーズジーンズ
<プロジェクトマネージメント/ヴィジュアル制作進行管理> オニツカタイガー
<PRコンサルティング/イメージブランディング> キャサリンハムネット, ヴェーダ
<キャスティング> 資生堂